Thursday, January 7, 2010

Global Warming? Meh.

I know, I know...anyone who's halfway civilized accepts global warming as gospel, right?
Not me. Really. I'm just a broadcaster not a scientist or meteorologist but it doesn't seem to me we're getting warmer. There has been some interesting record-setting weather events the last year or so, but this record-busting snowfall and cold was bound to happen. Look, we had an Ice Age at one time, right? Then we got warmer. Was THAT global warmiing? No. However, now we're hearing that the cold is (of course) due to more greenhouse gasses. The only gasses I see are the hot air out of the mouths of academics who wouldn't know the real world if it bit them. And Al Gore. I also seem to recall the hue and cry about acid rain in the 70's. No one mentions it now though. Maybe because it was bullshit all along?
Earth, for reasons way beyond my simple brain, has cycles of warmer and cooler weather. It happens. Live with it and STFU.