Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Times really do change

Growing up, my father always used to say to me "times don't change, people do". I didn't buy it then, and I don't now.
A couple of weeks ago I started a new job teaching broadcasting at a local college. Remember, I started college in 1983 and here we are in 2008. I knew things were different but my first day drove home just how different they'd become.
As I'm sitting at my desk waiting for the students I had some Dan tunage going. After a couple had filed in I asked "Does anyone have a problem with Steely Dan?" None had heard of them.
Class starts, and I asked who listened to commercial radio on a regular basis. About half. Uh-oh. Who listens to AM radio? One. Gulp. This is a broadcasting class! None of them knew what a 45 or shortwave was, or who Paul Harvey and Casey Casem are.
Next question was why they don't listen to the radio much. Every student-all 23 of them(!) had the same answers...too many commercials and too much song repetition.
One claimed not to know using Limewire was illegal! The others knew, but didn't care. Few read newspapers.
I'm not complaining...but I am a bit puzzled why our mass media is ignoring a whole generation of listeners. Seems I have my work cut out for me.

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