Sunday, August 17, 2008

Justice? We don't need no stinkin' justice!

I'm working this morning, playing the "best variety of yesterday and today." That's another post.
Anyway I had a couple minutes so I picked up this weeks Time magazine. There it was. In black and white. On the Verbatim page.
Before I tell you what it was, allow me a tangent about the Justice department. The name strikes me in the Orwellian sense as it now stands for the exact opposite. From Ashcroft to Gonzales to Mukasey the neo-con Attorneys General have played fast and loose with the Constituition. Vote Libertarian. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
The quote is from Michael Mukasey and it reads "Not every wrong, or even every violation of the law is a crime." (italics mine). WTF????? Oh, thats's only against the law if Justice says it is. Obviously the reverse is true also, regardless of what the law is.
If you think "well, maybe you're taking it out of context" consider else could this be interpreted?? It used to be the boogeyman in Washington was the IRS. Justice makes those guys look like Santa's elves. I've always thought of "1984" as a book everyone should read, but to the Justice department it's more like a blueprint. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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