Wednesday, May 26, 2010


When I was in grade school we had spelling bees, like many other schools. I always liked them and did well. To this day I believe that your spelling says volumes about you, and especially now with spell checkers in practically everything with a keyboard there is no excuse for poor spelling. Evidently I am in the minority. When I wonder aloud at the incredibly bad English used by so many people I'm told "What does it matter, they get their point across"...even by my Dartmouth-educated brother! It's NOT OK, damnit! Spelling IS NOT OPTIONAL. You have to make allowances for a non-English speaker but that's not what I'm cheesed off about. Earlier this morning I was reading some stories on the NH Union Leader website and was skimming through the comments people left. Here are some examples of the rise of total ignorance just in todays posts:

cereal killer (used TWICE in a paragraph)
Loosing sight of...
breaks (in a car)
at lease (should be at least)

What's worse? The lousy spelling or the "I'm getting my point across" attitude?

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