Friday, April 4, 2008

Even what you don't say can hurt you

There is the edge of insanity and there is the abyss, and Air America radio has jumped into it with both feet. The just-turned-4-year-old network has suspended host Randi Rhodes for something she said OFF AIR. Evidently she called Hillary Clinton and former VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro a "fucking whore" during an appearance in San Francisco. I don't disagree with the statement but that's another post. Air America says it “does not condone such abusive, ad hominem language by our hosts.” Remember, this was an OFF AIR comment. If it was on-air then I could understand, even agree with suspension or even termination.
You'd think in the hotbed of moonbeam liberalism that is SF, there'd be someone who believes in free speech...but being "PC" seems to be more important nowdays, even when liberals attack other liberals.
Shame on you, Air America.

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