Monday, July 21, 2008

Do as I say...or maybe not.

One of the things I never liked about being a talk show host was some people always had their panties in a wad over something I said. Seems people have forgotten there's no Constitutional right to not be offended. If you don't like what I say, fine. Want to bitch about it? Fine. I recognize your right to free speech, but you conveniently forget mine.
Anyway, here we go again. It was bad enough that Imus was railroaded over the "ho" comments but this one is up there in the hypocrisy meter.
MIchael Savage is a very conservative national radio host. Recently he went off on a rant about autism. He said "You know what autism is? I'll tell you what autism is in 99% of cases. It's a brat who hasn't been told to cut his act out. That's what autism is". He also went on to call them idiots and morons.
Now, I'd expect no less from this verbal bomb-throwing hate-spewing dipshit, but the outcry has made the news wires. Here's where the hypocrisy comes of the comments on was this gem: "Nothing in his comments make any sense. He needs to get informed before he starts another ignorant, meaningless rant.”
Exactly. If it's truly meaningless then why the outrage over something that's "meaningless"? I'm starting to think some people live to offended by something so they can bitch, whine, and complain to their heart's content while holding the delusion they're actually doing something positive. Who would call the writer of that comment (the mother of an autistic boy) a crackpot? Me. She should look up the word meaningless in a dictionary, and realize it applies to Savage's comments...and hers as well.

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