Friday, February 8, 2008

Here we go again

A St. Louis jock has been suspended for 2 weeks without pay by Emmis-owned KIHT for what I agree were some incredibly insensitive comments. I won't comment on the suspension as that's a matter between JC Corcoran and his employer. In a rant against the local power company, Corcoran said "You publicity-obsessed public relations nightmare people, who I swear I am going to get on top of your building with an AK-47 and just start picking people off" and using the term "dickless wonder". I understand his frustration and will confess that I feel that way sometimes when dealing with unaccountable bureaucracies. That wasn't the worst of it. Referring to a black executive at the company, he stared using a (for lack of a better term) "ghetto" voice when mocking the man. OK, now we've turned the corner into inappropriate. I do not claim to be an expert in FCC regulations, but I don't see how any of these comments warrant an FCC fine. Inappropriate? Yes. Legally obscene? No fuc-ing way.

But...there is a radio gadfly in that city who has made it his personal cause to persuade the FCC to fine the station and fire Mr. Corcoran because "children might be listening". Bullshit. How many kids listen to classic rock morning shows? This guy (who obviously has too much free time on his hands) has started a web page and online petition for FCC complaints. No, I'm not going to give this crank any free publicity, but as the crank says on his web page " I am tired of one radio personality getting away with something like this while another has to go through firings, public humiliation, fines from the FCC, etc."
So...besides the fact that he is just plain wrong (he's referring to Imus-gate and there were no FCC fines levied from that) he then furthers his hypocrisy by saying "As well, I always preach about Freedom Of Speech. Its a belief I hold dearly within my heart that this Country allows us all to express ourselves freely."
Yeah, right...everyone has free speech until HE doesn't like something. That sentence directly contradicts everything else he's written.

People like Imus or Corcoran aren't the problem. It's these self-appointed "morality Nazis" who claim to speak for vast numbers of people because they weren't in line when the Creator handed out tolerance. In the words of William Shatner "get a life, will ya?"

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