Sunday, February 17, 2008

NPR and PBS might fend for themselves...maybe.

Finally, after 7 years in office the President actually did something right. Really. Yeah...I was amazed too. What was it? To the horror of uber-liberals everywhere, he chopped the 2009 budget allocation (handout) to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (in their own words, a private company funded by the American people...much like jumbo shrimp or military intelligence) from 820 million to 420 million. There's no money at all after 2011. According to the LA Times and the CPB, the money is about 16% of an average stations budget, and of course they're already whining about having to shut down stations. Yeah, the televangelists who beg for money are always on the verge of going off the air. We've been down this road before...Congress will no doubt reverse all or most of the cuts but it begs the question "Why are we supporting mass media with our tax dollars?" If you really believe NPR/PBS should be funded publicly, how about a check box on our tax forms like the one that asks if you want to give $3 to finance elections? Public broadcasting needs to find other revenue sources than the interminable beg-a-thons twice a year. That would, however, require a totally different approach to raising money as well as massive listener support and I don't see the will to do that on either side.

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