Friday, September 12, 2008

Building a new Iron Curtain

Unlike a great many Americans, I spend quite a bit of time on foreign news English language sites, especially Russia, North Korea, and Cuba as it's always fascinating (to me) how they bend the facts like so many coat hangers. (NO MORE WIRE HANGERS...EVER! Sorry, had a Joan Crawford moment.)
So today on the website Russia Today
there was the daily poll. It was a good one. It asked "Do you believe the report of the official commission on 9/11?" I literally choked on the answer. I figured the number of "No" answers would be high...but would you believe 86%?
Now, I understand this site is used generally by non-Russians as it's in English. It's a safe bet most of these answers came from Canada, the US and English-speaking Europe. Who else, right?
I guess we Americans haven't cornered the market on paranoid delusions. Gee, I'll sleep better tonight.

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