Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some companies just don't get it.

A Reuters story today says Ebay may cut up to 1500 jobs. A whopping 10% of their employees. Why? A report by investment firm Wedge Partners says the business is "deteriorating". No shit. Anyone who's had trouble with the brain-dead morons at Paypal, had an auction pulled for no apparent reason with no recourse, tried in vain to get Ebay to answer a simple emailed question, had to deal with their "dispute resolution" (which is code for "give the buyer whatever he wants even if he lies like a rug and you the seller are screwed), or balked at ever-increasing fees knows what the problems are.
I just described them. They're slowly kiling the golden goose, and no one at Ebay has enough common sense to see it.

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